Fundamental to our identity is our connection with place.
We whakapapa to our ancestral lands and waters and see them as a part of us, as our ancestors. This understanding underpins our approach to our environment and our use of resources.

Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua
As people disappear from sight, the land remains

The climate change projections for Te Tauihu Nelson-Tasman areas are daunting.  The rising sea levels and global warming in the years to come will result in weather extremities (droughts and storms), coastal erosion and biosecurity risks.   Not only will this negatively impact our land and water, but also our ability to fulfil our kaitiaki obligations, while actively providing for the cultural, social, economic, and environmental needs of our whānau.

We are committed in our efforts to change and adapt our business practices and behaviours to ensure we are creating a climate resilient, thriving low carbon organisation.

Toitū carbonreduce certification

Wakatū is a Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation in line with ISO 14064-1. Wakatū and Kono NZ LP are proud to take science-based action for the environment with Toitū carbonreduce certification. The certification provides independent endorsement that Wakatū has measured its emissions based on standards that meet international best practice and is committed to lowering its emissions year on year.

Our science aligned goal is to reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint under its control by 2030 to 42% below 2022 levels.  

Our approach to reducing emissions

Our approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions across our organisation and businesses includes: 

  • measuring, verifying, and reporting on our emissions footprint

  • having an active emissions reduction programme throughout our operations and regularly assessing opportunities to reduce emissions across our organisation

  • neutralising any unavoidable measured emissions that we are releasing into the atmosphere through investing in certified restorative projects in Aotearoa and Pacific to allow us to be net zero by 2030

  • understanding our climate change risks across our organisation and businesses and taking steps to reduce or eliminate the identified risks to enable the transition to a climate resilient organisation and business models.

What are we doing 

We are actively minimising our environmental footprint through initiatives like:

  • reducing synthetic chemicals on land for vineyards and orchards

  • growing indigenous crops using tikanga led regenerative principles and practices.

  • native replanting and restoration programme across our estate

  • introduction of hybrid for our vehicle fleet.

We finalised an emissions transition plan (ETP) for our winery and vineyards in collaboration with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) through their Sector Decarbonisation Programme. Over the next six months, we will extend this initiative by developing ETPs for Kono Horticulture and Hop Federation.

This is the start of our carbon reduction journey, as we work to do our part to keep global temperatures
within a 1.5°C increase. We are proud to take action to sustain and enhance the environment, our people,
and our future.