Wakatū Incorporation is hitting the road.  We want to catch up for a cup of tea and hear from you, our owners, about how best we can benefit you in our mahi.

The Wakatū team will be led by Tumu Whakarae (CEO), Kerensa Johnston. Accompanying her will be Kono NZ CEO - Rachel Taulelei, General Manager of People and Culture – Rōpata Taylor, Owners’ Executive - Celia Hawea-Hippolite, Executive Director Innovation – Miriana Stephens, and Kaumātua - Rore Stafford.

Come along and hear a brief korero whanau, and most importantly to share your whakaaro on Wakatū Incorporation.  Following are the confirmed venues, dates and times of the hui.  For catering purposes, please RSVP to dina@wakatu.org or phone Dina Kahaialii on (03) 546 8648 and please indicate which hui you will be attending. 

 ‘He waka eke noa’ We’re all in this boat together'

Sunday 19th March
Sudima Hotel, 550 Memorial Ave,
Christchurch Airport, Christchurch

Monday 20th March
AUCKLAND 10am - 12pm
Jet Park Airport Hotel, 63 Westney Road,
Mangere, Auckland

Monday 20th March
HAMILTON 6pm - 8pm
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Raroera Campus,
510 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton

Tuesday 21st March
NEW PLYMOUTH 11am - 1pm
Quality Hotel Plymouth, 220 Courtenay Street,
New Plymouth

Wednesday 22nd March
PORIRUA 1.30pm - 4pm
*Takapūwāhia Marae, 26 Ngatitoa St,
Takapūwāhia, Porirua

Thursday 23rd March
NELSON 1.30pm - 4pm
*Whakatū Marae, 99 Atawhai Dr, Atawhai,

Friday 24th March
BLENHEIM 9.30am - 12pm
*Pare Rarua Centre, Wairau Bar Road,
Springcreek, Blenheim

*IMPORTANT: in the event of a tangi, the *Marae-based meetings will be held at
a back-up venue – RSVPs are beneficial so we can update you if required.